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Vol 218
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Energy efficient electromechanical systems of mining andtransport machines

A. E. Kozyaruk
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  • Saint-Petersburg Mining University
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The problems of selecting the type and the structure of mining and transport machines elec-tromechanical control system, providing energy efficiency and performance. The conclusion about the most admissibility of variable frequency drives with induction motors and power semiconduc-tor converters was made. The methods and technical means of improving the energy efficiency of asynchronous electric motors due to the choice of increased power characteristics motors, design of special motor control algorithms and applying of semiconductor converters with active rectifi-ers, providing high power factor and improving of the electricity supply quality were reviewed. To improve the operational characteristics prompted use of diagnostic systems and residual life as-sessment of electrical equipment. Implementation of designs tied to the excavator-transport sector. The schemes of the excavator power drive, mining truck and implemented complex picture at coal mine are shown.

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