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Vol 241
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Research article

Prospects for industrial methane production in the mine n.a. V.M.Bazhanov using vertical surface wells

V. R. Alabev1
V. D. Ashihmin2
O. V. Plaksienko3
R. A. Tishin4
About authors
  • 1 — Kuban State Technological University, Krasnodar ▪ Orcid
  • 2 — Makeyevsky Research Institute for Safety of Works in the Mining Industry, Makeyevka, Ukraina
  • 3 — Makeyevsky Research Institute for Safety of Works in the Mining Industry, Makeyevka, Ukraina
  • 4 — Makeyevsky Research Institute for Safety of Works in the Mining Industry, Makeyevka, Ukraina
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The estimated methane resources in the coal stratum of Donbass are 798.5 billion m 3 , including 119.5 billion m 3 in the Donetsk-Makeevsky area. Such significant potential implies that methane can be used not only for industrial production and energy purposes but also as a commodity for the chemical industry. However, in practice, commercial production of methane from coal seams, as is done in the fields of the USA, Canada, India, and China, is not carried out, and methane, obtained as a by-product, is utilized for ensuring the safety of the main technological processes for coal mining. The main reasons for this are the difficult mining and geological conditions of bedding, low thickness and permeability, which does not allow to separate methane production into an independent type of activity due to its low profitability, especially with the use of new technologies based on hydraulic fracturing of coal seams. The assessment of the possibility of industrial methane production in the mine n.a. V.M.Bazhanov in the Donetsk-Makeevsky area of Donbass, which reserves equal to 23.7 billion m 3 , showed that a significant part of the methane reserves is concentrated in coal seams and interlayers with a gas content of 18.5-20.7 m 3 /m 3 . Moreover, in the host rocks, methane is practically in a liberated state. This circumstance makes possible the commercial production of methane for its utilization from the unloaded rock mass by wells drilled from the surface, without the use of hydraulic fracturing technology. The paper discusses the technology of methane extraction by a degassing well drilled from the surface into a coal-bearing stratum unloaded from rock pressure in a mining field of the 4th eastern face of the m 3 seam of the mine n.a. V.M.Bazhanov and its subsequent use as the fuel of an electric generator. It is shown that over the entire period of operation of the pilot well, the volume of actually produced methane exceeded the design value by 23 %, and the cost of the gas produced amounted to 1535 rubles per 1000 m 3 , which is more than 3 times lower than the market price for natural gas for consumers in the Russian Federation. This made it possible to make a conclusion about the possibility of industrial extraction of mine methane using vertical surface wells for its subsequent utilization in power plants, which does not imply the usage of hydraulic fracturing technology.

coal seams methane carbonaceous stratum gas content degassing surface well mining technology electric generator cost price
Go to volume 241


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