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Vol 269
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Deep-buried Lower Paleozoic oil and gas systems in eastern Siberian Platform: geological and geophysical characteristics,estimation of hydrocarbon resources

Aleksei E. Kontorovich1
Lev M. Burshtein2
Igor A. Gubin3
Tatyana M. Parfenova4
Pavel I. Safronov5
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The study of deep-buried oil and gas systems is a promising trend in the preparation of hydrocarbon resources. The study of the factors determining oil and gas potential is extremely important. The Lena-Vilyui sedimentary basin in the eastern Siberian Platform has a potential for the discovery of large oil and gas fields in deep-buried Cambrian deposits. The use of original methodological approaches to the analysis of black shale and overlying deposits, generalization of the results of lithological, biostratigraphic and geochemical studies of Cambrian deposits in territories adjoining the study area, modern interpretation of geophysical data showed that siliceous, carbonate, mixed rocks (kerogen-mixtite) of the Kuonamka complex and clastic clinoform-built Mayan deposits are most interesting in terms of oil and gas potential. Oil and gas producing rocks of the Lower and Middle Cambrian Kuonamka complex subsided to the depths of 14 km. The interpretation of modern seismic surveying data confirms the hypothesis of a limited occurrence of the Upper Devonian Vilyui rift system. Based on generalization of geological, geophysical and geochemical archival and new materials on the Lower Paleozoic deposits of the eastern Siberian Platform, a probabilistic estimation of geological hydrocarbon resources of the Cambrian and younger Paleozoic complexes in the Lena-Vilyui sedimentary basin was performed. Based on basin modelling results it was concluded that the resources were mainly represented by gas. It is presumed that oil resources can be discovered in traps of the barrier reef system as well as on the Anabar and Aldan slopes of the Vilyui Hemisyneclise. With a confidence probability of 0.9, it can be stated that total initial resources of oil and gas (within the boundaries of the Vilyui Hemisyneclise) exceed 5 billion t of conventional hydrocarbons. The recommended extremely cautious estimate of resources of the pre-Permian complexes is 2.2 billion t of conventional hydrocarbons. In the study area, it is necessary to implement a program of deep and super-deep parametric drilling without which it is impossible to determine the oil and gas potential of the Lower Paleozoic.

geological structure source rocks Kuonamka complex oil and gas system oil and gas potential quantitative estimation hydrocarbon resources Cambrian Lower Paleozoic Lena-Vilyui sedimentary basin Siberian Platform
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