From the results of a trip to the Theological District in the summer of 1911
There is absolutely no indication that the ore-bearing conditions, which in any case are evident here, will cease with the places of previous mining operations. True, there is no reason to assert that we will certainly encounter rich ore deposits here; but it must be said that everywhere and even in other places, no matter how favorable the observed conditions may be, it is risky to make positive statements, but in the conditions drawn by a compiled geological map, it is more likely to assume favorable rather than unfavorable results. The Nikolo-Podgornyi mine occupies a very special position. From a geological point of view, it is one of the most interesting points in the area, both for the distinctness in the development of the rocks, their complete exclusivity among others, and for the unexpectedness and novelty of the rocks themselves and the geological conditions in which they were formed.
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