Same-sex hyperboloids and generalization of their concept using the example of the conoprim system
If it turned out that by choosing one linear prima in one diametrical second and then arbitrarily another linear prima in an arbitrary other second and thus constructing an infinite number of hyperboloids, we would obtain that the totality of such hyperboloids lies in one third located in one third , located in one linear quart, then we would be dealing with an image representing a generalization of the concept of a hyperboloid; we could call such a hyperboloid a hyperboloid of the 4th stage system. The special third, which has the symmetry of a circle, just indicated in the article (“Symmetry of linear sets of conoprims”) is such a generalized hyperboloid in the conoprim system. Since in this system, which treats a completely different topic, it would be inappropriate to dwell on the consideration of this issue in all details, this note has been dedicated specifically for this purpose.
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