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Vol 3
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Research article

Essay on the geological formations of the Udelnaya steppe of the Stavropol province

K. A. Prokopov
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In the summer of 1908, I was sent by the head of the Stavropol Land Management Party to the area of the Stavropol Udelnaya Steppe and its surrounding heights to collect material on the geological composition of the area and the possible research of its tectonics. The ultimate goal of these studies was to determine the possibility of extracting water in the Udelnaya Steppe by artesian drilling. In the attached essay, a detailed description of the outcrops is omitted and only their essential features are noted. On the map and section different numbers indicate the outcrop numbers and symbols show the geological horizons. The Ydel'naya steppe is located near the border of the Stavropol province and the Kuban region south of the city of Stavropol.

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