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Vol 1 No 5
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Research article

Essay on the iron ore deposits of the western part of central Russia and the Kingdom of Poland

S. I. Charnotsky
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The brown and spar iron ores of central Russia and the Kingdom of Poland are of, in addition to scientific, enormous practical interest, since they are almost the only iron ores in these two regions, which, due to their geographical location and other conditions, have all the data for a large iron industry developed here. The author describes ores in the following provinces: Tver province, Kaluga province, Oryol province (list of literature 1837 - 1902), Kursk province, Kingdom of Poland (literature from 1816 to 1903). The following is a description of the age and origin of the ores of the western part of Central Russia (provinces: Tula, Kaluga, Oryol, and Kursk).

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