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Vol 1 No 4
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On the issue of the formation of telluric iron from bog ores

A. E. Kupffer
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n 1891, 20 versts northeast of Vologda, near the Church of St. Nicholas of Vozimsky (near Lake Kubinskoe), a piece of iron was found under a peat mass in the thickness of bog ore, shallow from the surface. It was originally coated with a loose coating of ocher and immersed in bog ore; its weight together with ocher was 1100 grams. In some places it was permeated with rust to a certain depth. Freed from the ocher shell, it had the shape of a spherical sector measuring about 10 centimeters wide and about 5 centimeters thick; it was veined and in places contained fine granular inclusions of ocher magnetic ironstone.

Купффер А.Э. К вопросу об образовании теллурического железа из болотных руд // Записки Горного института. 1908. Т. № 4 1. С. 318.
Kupffer A.E. On the issue of the formation of telluric iron from bog ores // Journal of Mining Institute. 1908. Vol. № 4 1. p. 318.
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