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Vol 1 No 4
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Crystalline-liquid state as a general property of matter

P. P. von-Weymarn
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In my previous studies, published in 1905-1908 in Russian and German, I showed that any body, both simple and complex chemical composition, can be obtained: in good clear crystals; in an “irreversible” colloidal state (in the form of sols and “irreversible” colloidal-amorphous sediments); in a “reversible” colloidal state (by rapid cooling and increasing association of dissolved particles into the solution).

фон-Веймарн П.П. Кристаллическо-жидкое состояние, как общее свойство материи // Записки Горного института. 1908. Т. № 4 1. С. 314-315.
von-Weymarn P.P. Crystalline-liquid state as a general property of matter // Journal of Mining Institute. 1908. Vol. № 4 1. p. 314-315.
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