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Vol 1 No 4
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Illustration of crystal structure with vector circles

Ye. S. Fedorov
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In the article “Precise imagery of space points on a plane”, the problem of such an image in three different elements is solved: vectorial and ordinary circles, and in parallel vectors. The practical application of images in parallel vectors of a system of mines is also given there. I will now show an essential application of the theory to the representation by vectorial circles of the spatial lattices of each structurally studied crystal.

Structure diagram. Determination of runoff density. Improving the criterion for correct installation. Polar lattice diagram.
Федоров Е.С. Изображение структуры кристалла векториальными кругами // Записки Горного института. 1908. Т. № 4 1. С. 279-294.
Fedorov Y.S. Illustration of crystal structure with vector circles // Journal of Mining Institute. 1908. Vol. № 4 1. p. 279-294.
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