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Vol 1 No 3
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K2Cr2O7 crystals; their structure and twins

D. N. Artemyev
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Crystals of potassium dihydroxide were measured by Schabus (Wien. Ak. Veg. 1850) and he also stated a very perfect cleavage along {001} and less perfect along {100} and {010}. Potassium dichromate from aqueous solutions (t = + 20° C.) is released in well-formed crystals with growth planes {001} or {101}, which, as is known, belong to the pinacoidal class of triclinic system of cubic type.

Артемьев Д.Н. Кристаллы К2Сг2О7; их структура и двойники // Записки Горного института. 1908. Т. № 3 1. С. 229-232.
Artemyev D.N. K2Cr2O7 crystals; their structure and twins // Journal of Mining Institute. 1908. Vol. № 3 1. p. 229-232.
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