The criteria used so far contained the main, fundamental drawback, which consisted in calculating the grid density of each given complex as an isotropic complex. Although the criterion with this drawback was used quite consciously, for the sake of simplicity, in view of the complexity of the operation of calculating the density of the grids, but, of course, there was always a desire to eliminate it, if only a way could be found to determine this density quite correctly, without resorting to simplifying, but still an erroneous assumption.
Федоров Е.С. Усовершенствование критерия правильной установки кристаллов // Записки Горного института. 1908. Т. № 3 1. С. 234.
Fedorov Y.S. Improving the criterion for correct installation of crystals // Journal of Mining Institute. 1908. Vol. № 3 1. p. 234.
A case of secondary growth of primary porphyry field states. One new combination of twin quadruple laws. Twins along the first axis and perpendicular to it
1908 V. V. Nikitin
About one transformation of the elliptic integrals