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Vol 10 No 2
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Research article

On the issue of a new classification of vertebrates

A. N. Ryabinin
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The modern division of vertebrates into cyclostomata (Cyclostomata), fish (Pisces), amphibians (Amphibia), reptiles (Reptilia) and mammals (Mammalia), usual and satisfactory when reviewing the modern world of animals, is completely unsatisfactory and vulgar at the first attempt at distribution it on the world of living creatures of past geological eras. The question arises: is it not time to revise the old classification of vertebrates and build it on newer scientific foundations? The progress of research in the department of vertebrate paleontology has made the task of a new classification of the vertebrate group urgent. Taking this into account, the author presents the views of the Swedish scientist G. Säve-Söderbergh, which are set out in his article “Some points of view on the evolution of vertebrates and the classification of this group”, an archive for zoologists who claim pr. K. Svenska Vetenskapsakademien, Bd. 26, Stockholm, 1934 and in the accompanying table. Whatever the inadequacy of the classification proposed by Mr. Säve-Söderberg, it can, in the opinion of the author, provide the opportunity for a fruitful discussion of the problem, it also points to its insufficiently studied areas and thus contributes to the solution of this problem.

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