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Vol 5 No 2-3
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Research article

About the geology of Chetyrehstolbovyi Island

N. Kirichenko
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In the Arctic Ocean, opposite the mouth of the Kolyma River, there is a group of Medvezh'i Islands numbering six. The closest to the shore and the largest in size is the island of Krestovyi or Krestovskii (also the first); then there are four small islands that have no name, known only under the numbers: second, third, fourth and fifth; and finally, the easternmost is the Chetyrekgstolbovyi Island - also the sixth. In the summer of 1912, the Medvezh'i Islands were visited by the Hydrographic Expedition of the Arctic Ocean, consisting of two icebreakers: Taimyr and Vaygach. I, as the geologist of the expedition, managed to land and inspect only one of these islands - Chetyrekhstolbovyi.

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