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Vol 231
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Control and regulation of the hydrochloric acid treatment of the bottomhole zone based on field-geological data

M. K. Rogachev1
V. V. Mukhametshin2
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  • 1 — Saint-Petersburg Mining University
  • 2 — Ufa State Petroleum Technical University
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The analysis results of the hydrochloric acid treatment of the bottomhole zone efficiency along the deposits of high-viscosity oil in the carbonate reservoirs of the Tournaisian stage are presented in the paper. Based on the use of the non-parametric Kulbak criterion, the most informative geological and technological parameters, which affect most the success of hydrochloric acid treatments, assessed by the criteria of increased oil production and reduced water cut, are revealed. The generalization of the hydrochloric acid treatments experience in the conditions of the high-viscosity oil reservoirs of the Tournaisian Stage allows for efficient forecasting, selection of wells, control and regulation of the treatment process to reduce the number of inefficient operations and improve the technical and economic parameters of fuel and energy enterprises at the investigated sites and the ones with similar field-geological characteristics.

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