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Vol 231
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Influence of mining-geological conditions and technogenic factors on blastholes stability during open mining of apatite-nepheline ores

M. N. Overchenko1
S. A. Tolstunov2
S. P. Mozer3
About authors
  • 1 — CJSC «Orica»
  • 2 — IAEHNS
  • 3 — CJSC «Orica»
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The paper presents the results of borehole stability research and considers possible causes of emergencies. The features of the blast hole drilling process are analyzed taking into account the properties of the rock. Based on the distribution of speed of drill fines removal from the well, an algorithm for selecting drilling modes is proposed. The nature of change in the size of the holess over time has been analyzed. This paper investigates the influence of rock fracturing and its water content on borehole stability. Possible options for eliminating the man-made impact on the massif near holes and options for fixing the hole walls with soft shells are suggested. The experimental data on the installation of shells for the conditions of open mining of apatite-nepheline ores are given. The operability and effectiveness of the technology is proved.

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