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Vol 229
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On enhancement of cooperation between universities for implementation of the program «Sustainable development–2030»

P. Ochirbat1
B. Chinzorig2
About authors
  • 1 — Mongolian State University of Science and Technology
  • 2 — Mining Institute of Mongolian State University of Science and Technology
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The article is focused on one of the pressing issues of our time – the international training of qualified personnel in higher education institutions with the aim of developing a stable economic system of the state, the main elements of which are interrelated stages of economic activity (exploration, prospecting, extraction, processing, and use of mineral resources). The question of the contribution and role of universities of different countries cooperating in the sphere of sustainable development of this sector is considered. The necessity of practical solution of this task for the implementation of UNESCO's program «Sustainable Development – 2030» is determined. In this relation, the concept of «sustainable development», its philosophical, scientific-theoretical and cultural aspects are considered, the special significance of the connection between the sustainable development of society and its individual fragments with modern education is emphasized. It is stated that education, in the context of sustainable development, should be anticipating, advancing and open. Given the current trends in higher education, it is possible to mention the work carried out by the Mining Institute of the Mongolian State University of Science and Technology in the direction of international cooperation.

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