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Vol 227
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Improvement of performance indicators of hydraulic drive of props of powered support units of heading complexes

A. V. Stebnev1
V. V. Buevich2
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  • 2 — JSC «VNII Galurgii»
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The method of reducing the dynamic loading of the support unit and the immediate roof rocks resulting from the successive operation of the safety valve during operation of the props in the regime of «equal resistance» is considered. In the developed working characteristic of hydraulic props of supporting units their overload protection is singled out into an independent function and is separated from the function of rock pressure control. The resistance of the hydraulic props of the support units to the roof rocks subsidence is regulated in a non-pulsed manner, and the movement of the support units can be carried out in a «non-unloading» mode. As a result, the static «trampling» of the intermediate roof is reduced, and in the regime of controlling the rock pressure, the dynamic impacts of the mechanized support on the intermediate roof are excluded. In this case, the protection of the support unit from overloads works only when the support is overloaded and does not directly participate in the formation of the process of rock pressure rock. The proposed non-pulse method provides controlled transmission of hydraulic energy with a small pressure drop from the head ends of the hydraulic props to the pressure line of the hydraulic system of the heading mechanized complex and its subsequent useful use.

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