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Vol 227
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On the connection of the hydrocarbons presence and epigenetic sulfides in the south of Yakutia

M. S. Shkirya1
Yu. A. Davydenko2
About authors
  • 1 — Irkutsk National Research Technical University
  • 2 — Irkutsk National Research Technical University
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Currently the prospecting and exploration for hydrocarbons continues to be one of the most promising directions in geological exploration. The use of pulsed electrical exploration technique for prospecting of hydrocarbon reservoirs in combination with seismic prospecting makes it possible to significantly increase the probability of discovering the deposit, thereby lowering the likelihood of drilling an exploratory well that will not give an inflow. Also with the help of seismic exploration it is quite difficult to identify non-structural deposits. One of the reasons for the occurrence of anomalies caused by induced polarization (IP) is the epigenetic pyrite formed above the deposit as a result of the formation of a geochemical barrier at the boundary of the penetration of atmospheric oxygen. The presence of abnormally high values of induced polarization in the upper part of the section that differed from the background value within one of the deposits located at the southern part of Yakutia was manifested in the results of a one-dimensional inversion of the data from the electromagnetic sounding and induced polarization (EMS-IP) technology, performed within the polarizing horizontally layered model of the medium, in which the frequency dependence of the resistivity is described by the Cole-Cole formula. The idea of EMS-IP is to maximize the full use of information from transient processes induced by rectangular polarity pulses that are used in traditional DC methods. For the EMS-IP method, a high resolution and depth of study were obtained using the mean gradient setup. The investigated anomaly of the induced polarization is present at a depth of about 150 m and is confined to the pyritized interval of intensely fractured rocks of the Jurassic deposits, which is confirmed by a core sample data selected from the exploration hydrogeological wells. The one-dimensional mass inversion of the data showed sensitivity to the layer with an abnormally high value of the IP. The discrepancy in the model containing the pyrite layer is much higher than in the model not containing the pyrite layer.

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