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Vol 225
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Sources of heating microclimate in the process of thermal mining development of high-viscosity oil fields

M. A. Nor1
E. V. Nor2
N. D. Tskhadaya3
About authors
  • 1 — OOO «LUKOIL-Engineering», Center of Oil-Titanium Production
  • 2 — Ukhta State Technical University
  • 3 — Ukhta State Technical University
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The paper examines main sources of heating microclimate in order to develop technologies of microclimate parameter normalization in mine workings as a part of thermal mining technology of high-viscosity oil extraction. Operations under conditions of heating microclimate, whose parameters exceed threshold criteria, can provoke dehydration, fainting and heat stroke among workers. In order to guarantee safe working conditions, provisions are made to introduce norms on threshold values of temperature and humidity parameters, going above which is probable when applying existing thermal mining technologies of high-viscosity oil extraction. Basing on temperature-humidity survey, a comparative analysis of dependency between air temperature in the producing galleries and their configuration has been performed. A hypothesis has been suggested that, from the position of temperature limits, the period of efficient service of circular producing galleries is shorter compared to extended panel ones.

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