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Vol 225
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Comparative assessment of structural-mechanical properties of heavy oils of timano-pechorskaya province

N. K. Kondrasheva1
F. D. Baitalov2
A. A. Boitsova3
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  • 1 — Saint-Petersburg Mining University
  • 2 — Freiberg Mining Academy, Institute of Energy Production and Chemical Technology
  • 3 — Saint-Petersburg Mining University
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The physicochemical properties of heavy oils of Yaregskoe and Usinskoe deposits and the residues of atmospheric distillation of petroleum (fuel oil) recovered from them are presented. The group composition of oil and the residues of its atmospheric distillation (fuel oil) is determined. When using X-ray fluorescence energy dispersive spectrometer, the content of metals in the products is determined. A conclusion is drawn about the distribution of metals in the initial oil and fuel oil. On the basis of rheological characteristics, the type of liquids is determined in accordance with Newton's law, as well as the presence of an anomaly in the viscosity of the studied media at different temperatures. The energy values of the thixotropy of heavy oils of Usinskoe and Yaregskoe deposits, as well as the activation energy of the viscous flow of all media studied, are obtained. The phase transition of atmospheric residues at 60 °C is discovered. Dependences of the enthalpy and entropy of the viscous flow of the studied hydrocarbon media are obtained with an increase in temperature from 10 to 140 °C. The dependences of the oil molecules and atmospheric residues jumping frequency on viscosity are obtained for the first time.

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