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Vol 225
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Prevention and protection against propagation of explosionsin underground coal mines

L. M. Peich1
Kh. G. Torrent2
N. F. Anez3
Kh.-M. M. Eskobar4
About authors
  • 1 — Technical University of Madrid
  • 2 — Technical University of Madrid, Laboratorio Oficial J.M.Madariaga
  • 3 — Technical University of Madrid
  • 4 — National University of Colombia
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Over the past century, the coal mining industry experienced a large number of explosions leading to a considerable loss of life. The objective of this study is preventing the propagation of methane and/or coal dust explosions through the use of passive water barriers and its implementation to the Spanish coal mining industry. Physical and chemical properties, flammability and explosibility parameters of typical Spanish coals are presented. In this paper,   a flexible approach to meet the requirements of the EN-14591-2:2007 standard is presented for the very specific local conditions, characterized by small cross-sections galleries, vertical seem, use of explosives, etc. Authors have proven the viability of standard requirements to the typical roadway from Spanish underground mines, considering realistic roadway lengths as well as available cross-sections taking into account ubiquitous obstacles such as: locomotives, conveyor belt, ventilation ducts, etc.

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