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Vol 225
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Angles of total shifts and angles of maxumum crop during development of faces diagonal to seam strike directions

N. A. Kolesnik1
G. I. Kozlovskii2
A. A. Kanavets3
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  • 1 — Donetsk National Technical University
  • 2 — Donetsk National Technical University
  • 3 — Donetsk National Technical University
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When predicting deformations and determining measures to protect underworked objects, angular parameters are used: the boundary angles, the angles of total shift, the angle of maximum crop. The values of these angular parameters are given in the normative documents, but only for sections across and along the strike of the formation. However, at present, longwall face mining is mainly being carried out along a diagonal direction to the strike of the formation. In connection with this, the determination of the values of the angular parameters for such conditions is a topical task. The method of determination and the analytical dependences of the angles of total shifts and angles of maximum crop in sections of the longitudinal and transverse axes of coal-mining faces developed along diagonal directions to the strike of the formation are proposed. These angular parameters are used for prognosis of deformations of the earth's surface and for determining the characteristic zones of influence of mine workings on the local places.

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