The content of noble metals and rhenium in the Lower Paleozoic black shales of the eastern Baltic paleobasin in Russia was estimated. Shales are enriched in platinoids (PGM to 0.12 g/t) and rhenium (to 1.54 g/t). The main accessory elements of noble metals and Re are U, V, Mo, Cu, and Ni. Black shales consist of organic (9-26 rel.% ), clay (40-60 rel.% ), and silt-sandy (25-50 rel.% ) components and a nodule complex (2-5 rel.% ) (carbonate, sulfide, phosphate and silicate nodules). Noble metals occur sporadically in the silt-sandy admixture as native forms and intermetallics: Au nat , Au-Ag, Au-Cu, Au-(Cu)-Hg, Au-Hg, Ag-Cu, Pt-Fe. Micromineral phases of noble metals were found in diagenetic sulfides: Au nat , chalcopyrite with Au admixture, pyrite with platinoid admixture. Clay fraction is 10-fold enriched in noble metals as compared to shale – to 0.28 g/t Au, 0.55 g/t Pt, 1.05 g/t Pd, and 1.56 g/t Re. Organic matter sorbs noble metals to a limited extent but accumulates rhenium. Pore space of black shales contains a colloidal salt component (submicron fraction) which is represented by particles smaller than 1,000 nm. The share of submicron fraction in black shales is 0.1-6 wt.%. The submicron fraction contains on average: PGM – 14 g/t, Au – 0.85 g/t, and Re – 4.62 g/t. The geochemical resource of noble metals (Au, Pt, Pd), Re and the accessory elements (U, V, Mo, Cu, and Ni) for black shales as a whole and their submicron fraction was estimated. Black shales are recommended as an integrated source of raw materials.