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Aleksandr S. Danilov
Aleksandr S. Danilov
Associate Professor, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Empress Catherine ΙΙ Saint Petersburg Mining University
Associate Professor, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Empress Catherine ΙΙ Saint Petersburg Mining University
Saint Petersburg
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Environmental safety and sustainable development: new approaches to wastewater treatment

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In 2015, the UN member states adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Despite significant progress, billions of people – one in three people – do not have access to safe, clean drinking water. Modern wastewater treatment methods include a wide range of biological, chemical and physical processes, each having its own advantages and applications. This thematic volume considers the latest achievements in wastewater treatment technologies, wastewater purification and treatment as well as their potential applications at the local level. The problem of surface water pollution is relevant for all regions of the world. One of the largest sources of pollutants is mining and processing industry. The first stage in the development of wastewater treatment technologies is monitoring of anthropogenically modified water bodies.

How to cite: Pashkevich M.A., Danilov A.S., Matveeva V.A. Environmental safety and sustainable development: new approaches to wastewater treatment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 267. p. 341-342.
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Evaluation of the effectiveness of neutralization and purification of acidic waters from metals with ash when using alternative fuels from municipal waste

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The problem of pollution of natural water objects with heavy metals is extremely relevant for the areas where industrial enterprises are located. Unauthorized discharge of contaminated wastewater, inefficient operation of sewage treatment plants, as well as leakage of drainage waters from man-made massifs lead to changes in the hydrological system affecting living objects. The article studies the composition of ash from the combustion of alternative fuels from municipal waste, and also considers the possibility of using it to neutralize sulfuric acid drainage waters and extract metal ions (Cu, Cd, Fe, Mn, Zn) from them. It has been established that the efficiency of water purification from metals depends on the pH value achieved during the purification process. The pH value is regulated by the dose of the introduced ash, the contact time and depends on the initial concentration of metal ions and sulfates in the solution. Studies on the neutralization and purification of a model solution of sulfuric acid drainage waters of a tailings farm of known composition have shown that in order to achieve a pH of 8-9, optimal for precipitation of metal hydroxides Cu, Cd, Fe, Mn, Zn and Al washed out of ash, and water purification with an efficiency of 96.60 to 99.99 %, it is necessary to add 15 g/l of ash and stir the suspension continuously for 35 minutes. It was revealed that exposure to ash with sulfuric acid waters leads to the transition of water-soluble forms of metals into insoluble ones and their “cementation” with calcium sulfate. The amount of Zn and Fe ions washed out of the ash decreases by 82 and 77 %, Al, Cd, Cu, Mn – by 25 %. This reduces the toxicity of ash, which is proved by a decrease in the toxic multiplicity of dilution of the water extract by 14 times.

How to cite: Kharko P.A., Danilov A.S. Evaluation of the effectiveness of neutralization and purification of acidic waters from metals with ash when using alternative fuels from municipal waste // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. p. EDN CGGRHJ
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Ecological security and sustainability

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In 2015, UN Member States adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, aimed at balancing initiatives by the world community and individual countries in the environmental, social, and economic spheres. The global sustainable development goals are to promote the well-being of the world population, preserve the planet’s resources, and maintain ecological security, which is vital in the age of the rapid industrial growth and ever-increasing anthropogenic pressure on the environment. For the successful achievement of sustainability goals in the manufacturing sector, integrated measures should be undertaken for monitoring and assessing the technogenic impact of industrial facilities. Additionally, it is necessary to develop environmentally-friendly technologies in the fields of gas and water treatment, land reclamation, and waste disposal. Therefore, fundamental and applied research in these related spheres is of particular importance. Currently, environmental monitoring of all components of the environment, along with anthropogenic objects and processes, receives considerable attention, which is determined by the vector of development in science and technology. In this regard, the latest innovations in green technology in this area are becoming increasingly significant.

How to cite: Pashkevich M.A., Danilov A.S. Ecological security and sustainability // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 260. p. 153-154.
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Microbiological remediation of oil-contaminated soils

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Microbiological remediation is a promising technology for the elimination of environmental contamination by oil and petroleum products, based on the use of the metabolic potential of microorganisms. The issue of environmental contamination by crude oil and its refined products is relevant in the Russian Federation since the oil industry is one of the leading sectors of the country. Mechanical and physico-chemical methods of treatment are widely used to clean oil-contaminated soils. However, the methods belonging to these groups have a number of significant drawbacks, which actualizes the development of new methods (mainly biological), since they are more environmentally friendly, cost-effective, less labor-intensive, and do not require the use of technical capacities. Various bio-based products based on strains and consortia of microorganisms have been developed that have proven effectiveness. They include certain genera of bacteria, microscopic fungi, and microalgae, substances or materials acting as sorbents of biological agents and designed to retain them in the soil and increase the efficiency of bioremediation, as well as some nutrients. Statistical data, the most effective methods, and technologies, as well as cases of using microorganisms to restore oil-contaminated soils in various climatic conditions are presented.

How to cite: Sozina I.D., Danilov A.S. Microbiological remediation of oil-contaminated soils // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 260. p. 297-312. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2023.8
Geoecology and occupational health and safety
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The article discusses the fields and methods of application of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). Current legislation in Russia and in the world, significantly limit the use of UAV in monitoring. For the first time, we present a solution to the problem of a monitoring measurement system included in the state register of measuring instruments using the example of the basic UAV model. We conducted an analysis of promising approaches to the creation of UAV metrological and methodological support, as well as ways to adapt their target load to meet the challenges of operational monitoring of air pollution.

How to cite: Kremcheev E.A., Danilov A.S., Smirnov Y.D. METROLOGICAL SUPPORT OF MONITORING SYSTEMS BASED ON UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLES // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 235. p. 96. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.1.96
Metallurgy, physical and chemical regularities of technological processes
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SM (III) extraction from aqueous solutions by sodium dodecylsulfate

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Extraction process in Sm 3+ aqueous solutions from nitrate media by sodium dodecylsulfate as collector is investigated. Distribution coefficients on depending of the pH aqueous phase in different concentration of Sm 3+ is obtained.

How to cite: Danilov A.S., Dzhevaga N.V., Grigoreva L.V., Lobacheva O.L. SM (III) extraction from aqueous solutions by sodium dodecylsulfate // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 206. p. 129.
Mining geomechanics
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Estimation of quality of environment with the use of small pilotless aircrafts

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As a result of undertaken studies the innovative system of monitoring of atmospheric air, based on the use of the modern systems of measuring, set on pilotless flying vehicles, is worked out, allow to decide actual tasks on the quickly deployed systems of the ecological monitoring  after the state of environment. The choice of effective methods of realization of monitoring researches is produced on territories of mining  agglomerations. The use of pilotless aircrafts gives an unique opportunity of combination of the controlled from distance and pin methods of monitoring researches, that allows to work with materials  various on scales, permission, geometrical and spectral properties and here to get quantitative and quality descriptions of the state of components of natural environment with the complete list  of the controlled parameters for the detailed analysis of ecological situation in the districts of mining agglomerations.

How to cite: Pashkevich M.A., Smirnov Y.D., Danilov A.S. Estimation of quality of environment with the use of small pilotless aircrafts // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 204. p. 269.