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Aleksei A. Miftakhov
Aleksei A. Miftakhov
Chief Operating Officer
Chief Operating Officer
AO “Polyus Aldan”
set. Nizhnii Kuranakh, Republic of Sakha (Yakutiya)


Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Optimization of specific energy consumption for rock crushing by explosion at deposits with complex geological structure

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The selection of efficient drilling and blasting technology to achieve the required particle size distribution of blasted rock mass and reduce ore dilution is directly related to the accurate definition of rock mass properties. The zoning of the rock massif by its hardness, drillability and blastability does not consider the variability of the geological structure of the block for blasting, resulting in an overestimated specific consumption of explosives. The decision of this task is particularly urgent for enterprises developing deposits with a high degree of variability of geological structure, for example, at alluvial deposits. Explosives overconsumption causes non-optimal granulometric composition of the blasted rock mass for the given conditions and mining technology. It is required to define physical and mechanical properties of rocks at deposits with complex geological structure at each block prepared for blasting. The correlation between the physical and mechanical properties of these rocks and drilling parameters should be used for calculation. The relation determined by the developed method was verified in industrial conditions, and the granulometric composition of the blasted rock mass was measured by an indirect method based on excavator productivity. The results demonstrated an increase in excavation productivity, thus indicating the accuracy of given approach to the task of identifying the rocks of the blasted block.

How to cite: Vinogradov Y.I., Khokhlov S.V., Zigangirov R.R., Miftakhov A.A., Suvorov Y.I. Optimization of specific energy consumption for rock crushing by explosion at deposits with complex geological structure // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 266. p. 231-245. EDN RUUFNM