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V. N. Orelkin
V. N. Orelkin


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Crystallization of some organic compounds and complex salts

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This work, which is my first work in the field of crystallography - the work of a student, covers substances of a random nature, delivered to me from various laboratories. The peculiarity of this work is that it is the first to use computational crystallography methods outlined in the articles of Prof. E. S. Fedorov: “Basic formulas of spherical and plane tetragonometry” and “Calculation of the numbers of the symbol of a complex ” (vol. IV, pp. 373 and 391, “Notes of the Mining Institute”), and the designations of the faces which coordinates were taken as the basis for the calculation , as well as the main constants of the complex of faces, are the same as in the indicated articles.

How to cite: Orelkin V.N. Crystallization of some organic compounds and complex salts // Journal of Mining Institute. 1917. Vol. № 2 6. p. 89-112.