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Aleksandr B. Makeev
Aleksandr B. Makeev
Chief Researcher, Ph.D., Dr.Sci.
Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry
Chief Researcher, Ph.D., Dr.Sci.
Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry
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Peculiarities of formation, isomorphism and geochemistry of trace elements of sphalerite and wurtzite unusual varieties from the Goniatite occurrence (Pai-Khoi Ridge, Nenets Autonomous District)

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A unique Mn-, Cd-bearing sphalerite from quartz-calcite veins in the coal-bearing series (Visean C1v) marine sediments in a 50 km segment of the middle course of the Silova-Yakha River in the Arctic zone of the European part of Russia (Pai-Khoi Ridge) has been studied. The veins have a conformable and cross-cutting occurrence in two types of rocks: gray limestones and black siliceous-carbonaceous shales, the area is known as the Goniatite occurrence. The sulfide content in vein samples ranges from 0.1 to 2 vol.%. The chemical composition of 27 monomineral samples of Mn-, Cd-bearing sphalerites was studied, 82 points were analyzed. Correlations between typomorphic elements-impurities were revealed and correlation matrix was constructed. Cu, V, Ga, In, Sn, As, Sb, Bi, Pb, Tl, Se, Ag, Au, Ni are positively correlated with each other; Cd, Mn and Ge are negatively correlated with each other. The hydrothermal fluid involved in crystallization of sphalerite is characterized by low temperature (164-211 °С) and average salinity of 5-6 wt.% eq. NaCl. An updated “portrait” of typomorphic features (composition and properties) of sphalerite of the Pai-Khoi province was obtained. The features allowing to determine the type of impurity entering the sphalerite structure – in the form of isomorphic impurity or in the form of microinclusions of paragenetic association minerals – have been established. Submicron inclusions of sulvanite and colusite, invisible by other methods, were detected in sphalerite (by LA-ICP-MS method).The cathodoluminescence data of sphalerite from the Pai-Khoi province were typified. In contrast to other provinces, ZnS crystals here are characterized by almost complete absence of isomorphic iron. This allowed us to study pure isomorphism schemes of ZnS↔MnS, ZnS↔CdS, namely cathodoluminescence and other types of luminescence. The presence of a rare wurtzite-4H polytype in assemblage with sphalerite was revealed. High contents of strategic metals Cd, Ga, In, Ge in the ZnS matrix, as well as sulvanite (V, Cu) in a single paragenesis were found. A serious reassessment of the potential for industrial use of this mineralization will be required.

How to cite: Makeyev A.B., Vikentyev I.V., Kovalchuk E.V., Abramova V.D., Prokofyev V.Y. Peculiarities of formation, isomorphism and geochemistry of trace elements of sphalerite and wurtzite unusual varieties from the Goniatite occurrence (Pai-Khoi Ridge, Nenets Autonomous District) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 270. p. 861-876. EDN CCJVMG
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Unique titanium Deposits of Timan: genesis and age issues

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The article critically analysesthe hypotheses about the formation, age, and sources of material of large Timan titanium deposits, which were previously considered ancient buried placers formed along the weathering crusts of the Riphean shales. We discuss an alternative hydrothermal-metamorphic hypothesis about the formation of these deposits and the source of ore material. It is established that the incoming zircon of different ages (570-3200 Ma), as well as two other geochronometers, rutile and monazite, underwent a thermal effect common for all varieties as a result of a hydrothermal process about 600 Ma ago. According to modern concepts, the closing temperature of the U-Pb system in rutile exceeds 500 °С, which suggests high-temperature conditions for the hydrothermal processing of rutile during the formation of the considered deposits in the Riphean.

How to cite: Makeyev A.B., Bryanchaninova N.I., Krasotkina A.O. Unique titanium Deposits of Timan: genesis and age issues // Journal of Mining Institute. 2022. Vol. 255. p. 275-289. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2022.32
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Unusual metasomatites (phyolithites) in the Kolvitskiy gabbro-anorthosite rock mass: composition and structural position

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Complex mineralogical, geochemical, and geological-structural characteristics of a rare collection stone of violet color, phyolithite, in the southwestern part of the Kola Peninsula. This is a metasomatic rock formed under the conditions of brittle deformations on gabbro-anorthosites of the Paleoproterozoic Kolvitskiy rock mass. As a result of potassium metasomatosis, the plagioclase of the initial rocks was replaced by a fine-grained mica aggregate of muscovite-phengite composition with inclusions of Va-aluminoseladonite (up to 20-30 microns). Ba-aluminoseladonite contains 6.6-10.5 % by weight of BaO. Manganese is the only chromophore that accumulates in the rock during metasomatosis. It is manganese that provides the purple-violet color of pseudomorphs of mica according to anorthite. The phyolithites is depleted by REE and has a positive Eu-anomaly. The phyolithites are confined to the areas of fracturing of the north-eastern strike, located in the zone of dynamic influence of the north-western closure of the Onega-Kandalaksha rift of the Riphean age. Other formations (injection conglomerates and lamproites) are also associated with the formation of this structure, which owe their origin to an intense fluid flow.

How to cite: Terekhov E.N., Makeev A.B., Baluev A.S., Konilov A.N., Van K.V. Unusual metasomatites (phyolithites) in the Kolvitskiy gabbro-anorthosite rock mass: composition and structural position // Journal of Mining Institute. 2021. Vol. 248. p. 232-242. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2021.2.7
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A study on the U-Pb age of rutile from the Ichetju polymineral occurrence has been done for the first time by LA-ICP-MS and TIMS methods. It was established that rutile originates from various sources with different ages (presumably, ca. 1000, 1660, 1860 and 1980 Ma), but all the rutile types have undergone a common thermal event at ca . 580 Ma. Obtained results are consistent with U-Pb zircon data for the Ichetju occurrence and the Pizhemskoe deposit. According to modern concepts, the closure temperature for the U-Pb system in rutile is higher than 500  ° С, which suggests fairly high-temperature conditions of the rutile hydrothermal transformation during the formation of the deposits in Riphean. Obviously, a placer hypothesis of formation of titanium deposits of the Middle Timan which is supported by a number of researchers does not explain such temperature of rutile alteration.

How to cite: Skublov S.G., Krasotkina A.O., Makeev A.B., Rizvanova N.G., Koiman E. THE FIRST DATA ON THE U-PB AGE (TIMS AND LA-ICP-MS) OF RUTILE FROM THE ICHETJU POLYMINERAL OCCURRENCE, THE MIDDLE TIMAN // Journal of Mining Institute. 2018. Vol. 232. p. 357. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2018.4.357