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Linar I. Gazaleev
Linar I. Gazaleev
CJSC “Neftemontazhdiagnostika”
CJSC “Neftemontazhdiagnostika”


Oil and gas
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Numerical modeling of a double-walled spherical reservoir

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Extensive and important class of multilayer shell structures is three-layer structures. In a three-layer structure, a rigid filler plays an important role, due to which the bearing layers are spaced that gives the layer stack high rigidity and durability with a relatively low weight. By combining the thicknesses of the bearing layers and the filler, the desired properties of a three-layer shell structure can be achieved. Compared with traditional single-walled, three-layer construction has increased rigidity and durability, which allows reducing the thickness and weight of the shells. In order to reduce the metal content of the spherical reservoir for storing liquefied gases, this work considers the design of a double-walled reservoir, in which the inter-wall space is filled with reinforced polyurethane. Numerical modeling made it possible to determine the parameters of the stress-strain state of the structure with an error of no more than 5 %. It has been established on the example of a reservoir with a volume of 4000 m 3 that the spatial structure of the spherical reservoir wall can reduce the metal content up to 19 %. Field of application for the research results is the assessment of the stress-strain state of spherical reservoirs at their designing. Method for building the structure of a double-walled spherical reservoir in the SCAD software has been developed, which allows calculating the stress-strain state (SSS) by the finite element method. Numerical model of a double-walled spherical reservoir has been developed. It was found that to obtain calculation results with an error of P ≤ 5 % the size of the final element should not exceed 300×300×δ mm. Design of a double-walled spherical reservoir was investigated. Design parameters have been established to ensure the operational reliability of the structure with a decrease in metal content in comparison with a single-wall reservoir by 19 %.

How to cite: Karavaichenko M.G., Gazaleev L.I. Numerical modeling of a double-walled spherical reservoir // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 245. p. 561-568. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.5.8