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Mikhail O. Korovin
Mikhail O. Korovin
Engineer, Ph.D.
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
Engineer, Ph.D.
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University


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M1 formation tectono-structural features and gas-oil potential within Archinskaya area Paleozoic basement (Western Siberia)

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Western Siberian Plate basement oil and gas potential evaluation largely depends on structural and stratigraphic complex architecture representation. New modern procedures for seismic data processing, detailed Paleozoic deposits stratigraphic studies and expanded geophysical well logging significantly change the representation of the basement rocks fold-block structure and previously developed hydrocarbon reservoirs models. Detailed studies conducted within the Archinskii uplift showed that Paleozoic sediments form a contrasting folded structure complicated by block tectonics. The significant block displacements amplitude determines the lithological and stratigraphic basement rocks erosional-tectonic surface, while the identified stratigraphic blocks control the oil productivity distribution within the Archinskaya area. The filtration-capacity heterogeneity folded structure of the Paleozoic sediments is reflected in the distribution of hydrocarbon saturation in the well section, forming independent gas, oil, and oil-water zones for the development process. The relationship between anticlinal structural forms of basement rocks to lowered, and synclinal to elevated blocks, determines the necessity to conduct exploration prospecting within younger stratigraphic blocks when assessing the deep Paleozoic oil and gas potential.

How to cite: Belozerov V.B., Korovin M.O. M1 formation tectono-structural features and gas-oil potential within Archinskaya area Paleozoic basement (Western Siberia) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 268. p. 520-534. EDN XDUIIJ
Oil and gas
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Features of permeability anisotropy accounting in the hydrodynamic model

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Important step in the construction of a geological and hydrodynamic model is to set the correct properties of the formations and further adapt the model to the historical development data. Main source of information on the geological properties of reservoirs is well logging data. Paper describes the application of the method for post-interpretation processing of logging data, with the help of which the lateral anisotropy value of the field site is found. Brief discussion on the algorithm for adapting the hydrodynamic model to the parameters of the formation using one reference well is given. Feature of the logging data application to study the phenomenon of permeability anisotropy is that this type of research is widespread, has sufficient information content, and the geophysical system itself does not require the inclusion of specialized instruments. Based on geophysical study, a volumetric model of the properties for oil and gas bearing formation is constructed, from which the permeability distribution is used, whose gradient allows establishing the directions of improved and deteriorated filtration properties. As a result, during adaption of the model, it was possible to achieve a difference in reserves between the geological and hydrodynamic models of 2.4 %, which is an acceptable deviation for further calculations. It was found that the direction of improved filtration properties has a northeastern direction at an angle of 35°, and the value of lateral anisotropy is 2.2. Obtained results of lateral anisotropy, taking into account the data on values of vertical anisotropy, are included in the field model, where it is planned to further study the effect of permeability anisotropy on formation productivity.

How to cite: Yermekov R.I., Merkulov V.P., Chernova O.S., Korovin M.O. Features of permeability anisotropy accounting in the hydrodynamic model // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 243. p. 299. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.0.299