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Associate Professor, Ph.D.
Perm National Research Polytechnic University
Associate Professor, Ph.D.
Perm National Research Polytechnic University
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Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Laboratory studies of transformation of porosity and permeability and chemical composition of terrigenous reservoir rocks at exposure to hydrogen (using the example of the Bobrikovskii formations in the oil field in the northeast Volga-Ural oil and gas province)

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The article describes the methodology for laboratory studies of reservoir rock exposure to hydrogen. The stages of sample research and the instruments used in the experiments are considered. A comparative analysis of the results of studies on porosity and permeability of core samples was performed. It was shown that after exposure to hydrogen, the porosity decreased by 4.6 %, and the permeability by 7.9 %. The analysis of correlation dependencies demonstrated a typical change in the relationship of these characteristics: after the samples exposure to hydrogen the scatter of the values increased and the correlation coefficient decreased, which indicates a change in the structure of the void space. Based on the research results, it was concluded that the decrease in porosity and permeability of the core samples occurred due to their minor compaction under the action of effective stresses. The chemical analysis of the rock showed no major difference in the composition of the basic oxides before and after exposure to hydrogen, which points to the chemical resistance of the studied formation to hydrogen. The experimental results showed that the horizon under consideration can be a storage of the hydrogen-methane mixture.

How to cite: Popov S.N., Chernyshov S.E., Abukova L.A. Laboratory studies of transformation of porosity and permeability and chemical composition of terrigenous reservoir rocks at exposure to hydrogen (using the example of the Bobrikovskii formations in the oil field in the northeast Volga-Ural oil and gas province) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 268. p. 646-655. EDN MFPSXV
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Scientific justification of the perforation methods for Famennian deposits in the southeast of the Perm Region based on geomechanical modelling

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The article presents the results of analysing geological structure of the Famennian deposits (Devonian) in the Perm Region. Numerical modelling of the distribution of inhomogeneous stress field near the well was performed for the two considered types of perforation. With regard for the geometry of the forming perforation channels, numerical finite element models of near-wellbore zones were created considering slotted and cumulative perforation. It is ascertained that in the course of slotted perforation, conditions are created for a significant restoration of effective stresses and, as a result, restoration of reservoir rock permeability. Stress recovery area lies near the well within a radius equal to the length of the slots, and depends on the drawdown, with its increase, the area decreases. From the assessment of failure areas, it was found that in case of slotted perforation, the reservoir in near-wellbore zone remains stable, and failure zones can appear only at drawdowns of 10 MPa and more. The opposite situation was recorded for cumulative perforation; failure zones near the holes appear even at a drawdown of 2 MPa. In general, the analysis of results of numerical simulation of the stress state for two simulated types of perforation suggests that slotted perforation is more efficient than cumulative perforation. At the same time, the final conclusion could be drawn after determining the patterns of changes in permeability of the considered rocks under the influence of changing effective stresses and performing calculations of well flow rates after making the considered types of perforation channels.

How to cite: Chernyshov S.E., Popov S.N., Varushkin S.V., Melekhin A.A., Krivoshchekov S.N., Ren S. Scientific justification of the perforation methods for Famennian deposits in the southeast of the Perm Region based on geomechanical modelling // Journal of Mining Institute. 2022. Vol. 257. p. 732-743. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2022.51
Oil and gas
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Improving the efficiency of terrigenous oil-saturated reservoir development by the system of oriented selective slotted channels

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A comparative assessment of variation in the flow rate of oil production wells was performed taking into account increasing of perforated area of the productive part of the rocks, as well as recover of reservoir rocks permeability due to their unloading by creating slotted channels with the method of oriented slotted hydro-sandblast perforation. Different orientation directions and slotting intervals were analyzed, taking into account water encroachment of individual interlayers and azimuth direction of the majority of remaining reserves in separate blocks of the examined formation. In order to estimate development efficiency of terrigenous oil-saturated porous-type reservoirs by means of oriented slotted hydro-sandblast perforation, calculations were performed on a full-scale geological and hydrodynamic model of an oil field in the Perm Region. The object of modeling was a Visean terrigenous productive forma tion. The modeling of implementing oriented slotted hydro-sandblast perforation was carried out on a 3D filtration model for fourteen marginal wells, located in the zone with excessive density of remaining recoverable reserves and he terogeneous reserve recovery along the section. An optimal layout of slotted channels along the depth of the productive part of the well section was developed. Selective formation of 24 slotted channels was carried out con sidering the intervals of increased oil saturation. Comparative analysis of estimated flow rate of the wells was per formed for cumulative perforation of the examined productive formation and the developed method of slotted perforation. As a result of modeling, an increase in the oil average flow rate of 2.25 t/day was obtained. With oriented slotted hydro-sandblast perforation, incremental cumulative production for two years of prediction calculations per one well reached 0.5 thousand t.

How to cite: CHERNYSHOV S.E., Repina V.A., Krysin N.I., Macdonald D.I.M. Improving the efficiency of terrigenous oil-saturated reservoir development by the system of oriented selective slotted channels // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 246. p. 660-666. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.6.8
Oil and gas
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Development of mathematical models to control the technological properties of cement slurries

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Oil and gas producing enterprises are making increasingly high demands on well casing quality, including the actual process of injection and displacement of cement slurry, taking into account requirements for the annular cement level, eliminating possible hydraulic fracturing, with developing a hydraulic cementing program. It is necessary to prevent deep invasion of cement slurry filtrate into the formation to exclude bridging of productive layers. It is impossible to fulfill all these requirements at the same time without application of modifying additives; complex cement compositions are being developed and applied more often. Furthermore, need to adjust cement slurries recipes appears for almost every particular well. In order to select and justify cement slurries recipes and their prompt adjustment, taking into account requirements of well construction project, as well as geological and technical conditions for cementing casing strings, mathematical models of the main technological properties of cement slurries for cementing production casing strings in the Perm Region were developed. Analysis of the effect of polycarboxylic plasticizer (Pl) and a filtration reducer (fluid loss additive) based on hydroxyethyl cellulose (FR) on plastic viscosity (V), spreadability (S) and filtration (F) of cement slurries is conducted. Development of mathematical models is performed according to more than 90 measurements.

How to cite: CHERNYSHOV S.E., GALKIN V.I., ULYANOVA Z.V., Macdonald D.I. Development of mathematical models to control the technological properties of cement slurries // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 242. p. 179. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.2.179
Topical issues in prospecting and development of oil and gas deposits
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Technical and technological support of well wiring according to the set profile at Shershnevskaya area

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The article deals with the issues related to the peculiarities of controlled directional well drilling technology at the Verkhnekamsk potash salt deposit (VKPS), which includes the Shershnevskoye oil field. The problem of drilling controlled directional oil wells in the territory of the Verkhnekamsk potassium salt deposit is urgent, because under the potassium salt layer there are oil basins with forecast recoverable oil reserves of 70 million tons. However, exploitation of these oil basins is difficult due to the thickness of potassium salt beds, so drilling of wells has certain features and limitations. The design of controlled directional well No. 101 at the Shershnevskoye field was calculated and a nine-interval well profile was constructed, taking into account the limitations and peculiarities of well drilling at this field. Drill string layout for drilling different intervals was selected.

How to cite: Chernyshov S.E. Technical and technological support of well wiring according to the set profile at Shershnevskaya area // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. № 2 170. p. 79-81.