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V. Yu. Khatkov
V. Yu. Khatkov
Head of Department
PJSC «Gazprom»
Head of Department
PJSC «Gazprom»



Geoeconomics and Management
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Administrative methods of import substitution management of deficient types of mineral raw materials

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Import dependence of Russian consumers on certain types of mineral products: aluminum, manganese and chrome raw materials, titanium, zircon and tin concentrates, ferroniobium, fluorspar and others – increases the stability of many industries. The state regulation of import substitution is very effective, but only in the form of indirect (coordination, maintenance, promotion, supervision and control), and not direct methods. The following are used as tools for the administrative management of import substitution: the establishment of legal norms for the implementation of import substitution actions; coordination of actions of authorities and industry on import substitution; state control of railway transportation rates; limited government control over the pricing of import-dependent mineral products and services associated with them; financing of import substitution projects. In order to reduce import dependence, the following is proposed: to lower the charges for railway transportation of import-dependent mineral products sent for the needs of Russian consumers, primarily for oncoming import-export goods (boric acid, borax, tungsten ores); to manage the pricing of export-oriented mineral products through a system of import and export customs duties, which prevent the excessive export of scarce mineral raw materials in demand within the Customs Union and stimulate its sales in the domestic market.

How to cite: Khatkov V.Y., Boyarko G.Y. Administrative methods of import substitution management of deficient types of mineral raw materials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2018. Vol. 234. p. 683-692. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2018.6.683