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I. Yu. Vinokurov
I. Yu. Vinokurov
Deputy head of department, Ph.D.
A.P.Karpinsky Russian Geological Research Institute (VSEGEI)
Deputy head of department, Ph.D.
A.P.Karpinsky Russian Geological Research Institute (VSEGEI)


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Scientific and methodical approaches to increase prospecting efficiency of the russian arctic shelf state geological mapping

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A rationale for the set of theoretical and methodological techniques of mapping and deep modeling in the Russian Arctic shelf and adjacent sedimentary basins in continental Russia is based on the materials for the Barents and Kara Seas region. This article provides the factual basis of the research and shows how to apply zonal-block model of the crust and generalized models of geodynamic settings in terms of the different geophysical data inconsistency. The necessity and approach for global and regional paleo-reconstructions are also discussed. It is shown that localization of the principal structural and compositional units of the lithosphere being a consequence of geodynamic processes at the boundaries of lithospheric plates, form at the basis of sedimentary cover and crystalline basement layered maps as well as cross-sections of the continental crust. The identified parameters of the deep structure and milestones of the regional tectonic history open new opportunities to explore the regularities of ore deposits distribution. The shown example of the forecast and metallogeny problems solution within Western Siberia and Khatanga-Vilyui petroleum provinces is made using the parameters of known industrial oil and gas fields for training the pattern recognition system.

How to cite: Egorov A.S., Vinokurov I.Y., Telegin A.N. Scientific and methodical approaches to increase prospecting efficiency of the russian arctic shelf state geological mapping // Journal of Mining Institute. 2018. Vol. 233. p. 447-458. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2018.5.447
Application of the modern electric exploratory technologies in prospecting of mineral deposits
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Similarity and difference in structure of the Ural and Paikhoy-Novaya-Zemlia fold belts

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Characteristic features of deep structure and composition of Ural (UFB) and Paikhoy-Novaya-Zemlia (PNZFB) fold belts, which were investigated with the use of results of geological and geophysical investigations along reference geophysical profiles (geotransects) are considered. In the structure of Uralian deep sections typical elements of collisional orogen are distinguished: deformed margin of submerged plate, suture zone and deformed margin of override plate. Participation in the process of the Late Paleozoic collision more than «Baltic» и «Kazakhstan» plates, but micro plates of continental type lead to complication of typical model of collision orogen due to inclusion into the UFB deep structure additional blocks and suture zones. PNZFB zonality is not typical for classical collision orogens. Fold-thrust belt on the «Svalbard» plate margin is modeled in its deep section. Intensity of the fold-thrust deformations decreases to relict oceanic basin, which is modeled in the basement of the South-Kara sedimentary depression.

How to cite: Egorov A.S., Smirnov O.E., Vinokurov I.Y., Kalenich A.P. Similarity and difference in structure of the Ural and Paikhoy-Novaya-Zemlia fold belts // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 200. p. 34.
Economical aspects in the developments оf fuel & energy complex
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Reproduction of hydrocarbon resource base of the Russian continental shelf

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In article the characteristic of resource base of hydrocarbon resources of a Russian continental shelf is given. Deposits are divided into three groups: the oil, gas and condensate. Estimations of reserves and their changes are presented. Tendencies of development of sub-sea oil and gas deposits on the basic regions are defined: to the Arctic, Far East, Caspian and Baltic.

How to cite: Shkatov M.Y., Vinokurov I.Y., Sergeev I.B. Reproduction of hydrocarbon resource base of the Russian continental shelf // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 203-212.