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S. A. Lipina
S. A. Lipina
Russian Foreign Trade Academy of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia
Russian Foreign Trade Academy of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia


Geoeconomics and Management
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The comprehensive development of the mineral and raw materials potential of the Arctic regions of Russia is a complex strategic task requiring the use of modern methods for planning spatial development of territories. One of such methods is the organization of cluster formations as an effective tool for implementing innovation policy. Consolidating the efforts of many participants, diversified territorial clusters become the main points of growth, the multiplier effect within which has a positive impact both on the economy of the region and the country in general. The high level of risk and the significant costs of Arctic raw material projects make it impossible to implement them simply by accumulating production and financial resources, which makes it necessary to model flexible territorial production systems on the principles of integration. The article analyzes the prerequisites for the formation of cluster formations based on the resource potential of the support zones of the Russian Arctic, and the main expected effects from the creation of innovative raw Arctic clusters are revealed. During the study, the expediency of using integration mechanisms in the development of hydrocarbon reserves in technically difficult conditions of the Far North was justified. The strategic analysis of the three Arctic oil and gas projects currently implemented on the principles of clustering – Novy Port, Messoyakha, Yamal LNG, made it possible to conclude that there are sufficient external effects of projects such as creating conditions for the innovative development of related industries, the formation of a high-tech infrastructure framework in the region, the accumulation of experience in the implementation of Arctic projects, the diversification of hydrocarbon exports.

How to cite: Cherepovitsyn A.E., Lipina S.A., Evseeva O.O. INNOVATIVE APPROACH TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF MINERAL RAW MATERIALS OF THE ARCTIC ZONE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION // Journal of Mining Institute. 2018. Vol. 232. p. 438. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2018.4.438
Geoeconomics and Management
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Analyis of government support tools for mining companies in the Russian Arctic zone

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The paper focuses on the development of mining companies in the Russian Arctic zone in the context of searching for new ways to improve government control over the development of the Arctic zone. Existing outer restrictions imposed upon Russia and changes in the global financial market not only determined a paradigm shift to regional government control, but also dictated the need to search for new mechanisms of state influence on the regional economy. Primarily it concerns the development of growth zones based on utilizing resource potential, creation and implementation of tools aimed at attracting investments to the Arctic zone and offsetting the factors of northern appreciation for mining companies. With this in mind, government support of specific regional development projects is becoming an urgent issue. The authors analyze new approaches to the development of public management in the Russian Arctic zone, for mining companies in particular, aimed at creating special economic conditions that would stimulate the operation of plants extracting mineral resources. Research methodology is based upon the analysis of factors restricting economic development and growth of the Russian Arctic zone and mining companies in the first place, as well as analysis of possible tools to support mining plants operating in the Arctic territories (advanced development zones, industrial clusters, «supporting zones»). The authors define priority goals and prospects of implementing such operation mode for mining companies in the Arctic zone, and propose a list of possible measures of government support needed to stimulate development of mining companies and the entire Arctic economy of Russia.

How to cite: Lipina S.A., Bocharova L.K., Belyaevskaya-Plotnik L.A. Analyis of government support tools for mining companies in the Russian Arctic zone // Journal of Mining Institute. 2018. Vol. 230. p. 217-222. DOI: 10.25515/PMI.2018.2.217