The article analyses the research results of preliminary biological treatment by silicate bacteria influence on roasting process of refractory off-balance copper-molybdenum ore.
Simmetry transformation crystalline structure proceeds by symmetry reactions. Unlike the chemical reactions that proceed in the liquids and the gases where ions or atoms move freely symmetry reactions proceed in solid bodies where structural units are set orderly.
The task of the colour metallurgy is the complex utilization of the ore matirial and increase in volume of the production with fall of the material expenditures in parallel in unit of the production. During the sulphate ores refining and the nickel and copper ones they extract cobalt, pre- cious and the part of the rare metals, trying realize the very possible cobalts and small part of the ores raws transfer to the nickel product. However nickel can not be separated from copper completely with help of the flotation and that is why they get the sulphate nickel product which has the weight to 4 % of the copper and the copper sulphide concentration with weight 3-6 %. Together with nickel turn the part of the cobalt into the copper concentration. In the school and reference books there are little scientific well-founded and coordinated facts in phases compound of the stanes and finestanes and besides about formes of the presence of the cobalt in the called metallurgy products. It is necessary the deep experience in the study of the christall chemical nature of the finestanes phases for the improvement in extract of cobalt to the nickel product during the flotation process.
This work examined alloys which are belonged to trinary system Cu – Co – S. Macrostructural anaylysis of the above-referenced alloys was carried out. The impact of ferrum on this alloys was demonstrated.
To establish the physicochemical nature of phases in matte and matte, it is necessary to consider binary systems Cu-S, Ni-S, Fe-S, because the structural components in these systems can serve as phases in matte and matte, as well as be the beginning of the formation of new phases in them.
Кристаллы оливина космического происхождения широко используются как природные детекторы ядерных излучений при поиске сверхтяжелых элементов в метеоритах ...
Поверхности срастания кристаллов можно отнести к самым широко распространенным объектам кристалломорфологии, частным случаем которых являются индукционные поверхности кристаллических сростков ...