The influence of the uniaxial static stress on creep in the polycrystalline rocks was studied. The study was performed using the original method of loaded complex oscillator. The theory of the method is proposed, The measurements were performed for polycrystalline khibinite. The advantages of the method before traditional methods for studying of physical mechanisms of creep are demonstrated.
The influence of the uniaxial static stress on the Young’s modulus and on the internal friction of the polycrystalline rocks was studied. It was showed, that the effects of micropores and microcracks on the nonlinear elasticity and unelasticity of material are different. This makes possible different control of such parameters as microporosity and microcracking. The study was performed using the original method of loaded complex oscillator.
The ergonomic assessment of surveying systems functioning is considered and the multifactor analysis for characterizing their ergonomics is offered. The pilot estimation of the MVG-1 gyrocompass was carried out.
In the article the methods of an estimation of technogenic effect of mining minings on geologic medium, statistical and probabilistic models of distribution of quality for the geographical demarcation of fields are adduced. Are set up to fundamentals of the theory of operation GPS of instrumentation and electronic techeometers at overseeing ground movement of rocks, ergonomics of realisation of these supervision (observations).
Three distribution types of mine surveying works time are discussed and time criterion is suggested to estimate mine surveying labour.
The data on some negative consequences of working with a computer collected from literature sources are described. Recommendations for organizing the work of a display operator are given.
Для уравнивания сетей пространственной фототриангуляции используются интерполяционные полиномы различного вида, что предполагает наличие доминирующего влияния систематических ошибок. Однако исследования последних лет показали, что случайные ошибки фототриангулирования соизмеримы с систематическими, а иногда могут даже превосходить их ...
Описываемый строгий способ уравнивания разработан на основе дифференциальных формул ошибок элементов маршрутной сети. При наблюдении поперечных параллаксов в шести стандартно расположенных точках имеется одно избыточное измерение, которое дает условное уравнение ...