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N. A. Shilo
N. A. Shilo
Сибирское отделение АН СССР
Сибирское отделение АН СССР


Problems of shelf development: geology and ocean engineering
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Witwatersrand and the problem of ore formation

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The paper discusses complicated nature of the unique gold-uranium ore fields of South Africa, focusing upon controversial features allowing to interpret their genesis as a primary sedimentary (alluvial), or hydrothermal-sedimentary, or even postmagmatic hydrothermal one. The new concept is proposed that the so-called «pyrite canister» and the mere quartz «pebbles» of the famous Witwatersrand conglomerates have formed in endogen conditions. The model of the hydrothermal-metasomatic genesis of the great Rand gold ore reefs is formulated on this base. Some experimental data of fundamental meaning are demonstrated as a proof. It is assumed that the famous gold-bearing conglomerates should not be called by the term; precisely they must be named «pseudoconglomerates». In the whole, the unique gold concentration in reefs of South Africa is interpreted as a peculiar case of universal mechanism of the gold ore forming process. Analysis of its probable chemistry involves some laws of nuclear physics. Supposedly, gold oreforming reactions included effect of such agents as magnetic nucleus of some isotopes ( 13 C, 29 Si, 17 O), spin states of reacting objects, and their possible recombination, magnetic effects in melts, etc.

How to cite: Shilo N.A. Witwatersrand and the problem of ore formation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 7-19.
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Дарственное письмо

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Выстуление Н.А. Шило.

How to cite: Shilo N.A. // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 162. p. 5.
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Золотое и золото-серебряное оруденение Охотско-Чукотского вулканогенного пояса и некоторые вопросы рудообразования

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Шестидесятые годы отмечены новыми находками месторождений вулканогенных формаций, оказавшимися неожиданными даже для та­ких стран, где золотодобывающая промышленность имеет длительную и поучительную историю; я имею в виду, в частности, Южно-Африкан­ский Союз и Соединенные Штаты Америки ...

How to cite: Shilo N.A. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1974. Vol. № 2 67. p. 20.