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A. A. Rybin
A. A. Rybin
Perm National Research Polytechnic University
Perm National Research Polytechnic University


Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Assessment of load of beam-balanced pumping units by electric motor power indicators

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The results of experimental studies on the loading of beam-balanced pumping units (BP) of sucker rod- pumping equipment (SRPE) are presented. It is noted that the key factor that has the most significant effect causing the SRPE failure is the balance of the beam pumping unit, which determines the amount of specific energy consumption for the rise of reservoir fluid and the level of dynamic loads on the machine units. The urgency of using software-recording systems for estimating the loading of units of oil field pumping installations is substantiated. The principle of operation and design of the «AKD-SK» software recording system is described. The prospects of using this method for controlling the performance parameters and evaluating the technical state of the sicker rod-pumping units is proved on the basis of an analysis of the magnitude and nature of the changes in the loads of drive motors determined by the registration of the instantaneous values of the consumed power. The main provisions of the methodology for analyzing the watt-meters of drive motors of the sucker rod-pumping units are outlined. The nature of the manifestation of the main defects of submersible pumps and beam-balanced pumping units is described. The results of pilot-industrial tests of the beam-balanced pumping units equipped with advanced permanent magnet motors and intelligent control stations are presented. It is proved that the use of permanent magnet motors allows to reduce the specific energy consumption for the rise of reservoir fluid, which increases the efficiency of the SRPE. However, the presence of transient processes and generator operating modes of the permanent magnet motors results in the occurrence of significant dynamic loads, which, due to the rigid fixing of the rotor of magnet motor on the reducer shaft, negatively affect the life of the gearbox bearings. It has been shown that the lack of its own bearings in the tested motors causes a high probability of engine jamming when bearing operation is disrupted and the radial beats on the drive shaft of the beam pumping unit gearbox appear.

How to cite: Shishlyannikov D.I., Rybin A.A. Assessment of load of beam-balanced pumping units by electric motor power indicators // Journal of Mining Institute. 2017. Vol. 227. p. 582. DOI: 10.25515/PMI.2017.5.582