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Yu. I. Kutepov
Yu. I. Kutepov


Present-day problems of geomechanics, mining practice and innovation technologies in mining engineering
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Engineering-geological ensuring for safety of mining work in water-inundated solid mass

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There was fulfilled a brief review an scientific works domestic scientists and specialists in the engineering-geodynamics area, which served the scientific principles for forecasting and warning of dangerous geological processes in the mining mineral deposit. The general conception the scientific-methods complex for safety of mining works in water-inundated solid mass was discerned, developed at the Scientific Center of Mining Geomechanics and mining issues University.

How to cite: Kutepova N.A., Kutepov Y.I., Shabarov A.N. Engineering-geological ensuring for safety of mining work in water-inundated solid mass // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 197.
Present-day problems of geomechanics, mining practice and innovation technologies in mining engineering
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The monitoring of gidrogeomehanical processes during the flooding of Angero-Sudgensk mines

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Let us consider a system of the organization of surveying and hydro-geological researches on the Anzhero Sudzhensk providing ground, and also the main results of long-term supervision in flooding of mines which allowed to study regularities of development of hydrogeomechanical processes in the technogenic broken massifs of the mine fields defining size, an orientation and nature of strain distribution of deformation above ground.

How to cite: Kutepova N.A., Kutepov Y.I., Shabarov A.N. The monitoring of gidrogeomehanical processes during the flooding of Angero-Sudgensk mines // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 215.
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Исследование физико-механических свойств гидроотвалов Кузбасса

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Развитие угледобычи открытым способом в Кузбассе, где уже действуют 17 угольных разрезов, сопровождается перемещением в отвалы больших объе­мов горных пород (до 600 млн.м 3 ), что потребует изъятия из сферы сельско­го хозяйства значительных площадей ценных земельных угодий ...

How to cite: Kutepov Y.I. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1981. Vol. 83. p. 92.