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A. V. Zditovetskii
A. V. Zditovetskii


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Calculation of the main parameters of drilling and blasting operations in the explosion of selective detonating explosive charges

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In our country, for the last 10-15 years, a new type of explosives and charges made of them with the necessary complex of energy and gas release have been developed. At explosion of these charges, their throwing properties are implemented in full measure, i.e., brisant influence on a rock is practically excluded. The pilot and industrial production of these charges is mastered and they are successfully used in a number of block quarries in the Leningrad, Murmansk and Irkutsk Regions and in the Republic of Karelia and are permitted by the Russian State Mine Technical Supervision Service for permanent use in the mining industry. The explosion of these charges provides an explosive transformation in the form of explosive combustion in the explosive chamber (borehole, well), creates a pressure that is significantly lower the compressive strength of the rock and 1.2-1.5 times the breaking strength of the rock, increasing the exposure time on the walls of the explosive chamber gaseous products of explosion (PE). Employees of the rock destruction department of the St. Petersburg Mining Institute together with employees of the SKTB "Technolog" and NPO "Kristall" have developed special charge designs: elastic tubular charges (ZET "Granilen") and hose charges (ZShA).

How to cite: Dambaev Z.G., Zditovetskii A.V., Kovalevskii V.N. Calculation of the main parameters of drilling and blasting operations in the explosion of selective detonating explosive charges // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 2 148. p. 27-30.
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Оценка эффективности отбойки блоков штучного камня с учетом межблочной трещиноватости

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В объединении Главленстройматериалы эксплуатируются три гранитных карьера по добыче штучного камня: «Перкон-Лампи» ПОГК «Кузнечное», «Воз­рождение» Выборгского карьероуправления и Каленогорокий карьер ...

How to cite: Zditovetskii A.V., Lursmanashvili G.S. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1984. Vol. 99. p. 76.