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V. I. Litvinenko
V. I. Litvinenko


Problems of shelf development: geology and ocean engineering
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Problems of water flooding of oil fields on the shelf of the Arctic seas

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Calculations have shown that injecting of seawater in the reservoir and its mixing with underground water does not provoke precipitation of calcite and/or gypsum, at any mix proportions. Those mixtures of reservoir and sea waters are saturated in barium sulfate and strontium carbonate, but their precipitation is however unlikely in polysalt brine systems. In the case of their improbable deposition, a scaling inhibitor should be easily used. The water treatment scheme includes the heating of Pechora sea water before its injection into reservoir. Decay of the seawater calcium bicarbonate with precipitation of CaCO 3 is possible under heating. In general, the water treatment technology of injection is actually elaborated as for the Pechora sea water so for the produced bed water.

How to cite: Litvinenko V.I. Problems of water flooding of oil fields on the shelf of the Arctic seas // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 57-60.
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Seismological studies of EEWM on the Baltic Shield and its southern slopes

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Seismological studies using the earthquake exchange wave method (EEWM) with registration and interpretation not only of earthquakes but also of explosions at different epicentral distances have been carried out on the Baltic Shield since the early 1960s.

How to cite: Bulin N.K., Isanina E.V., Litvinenko V.I. Seismological studies of EEWM on the Baltic Shield and its southern slopes // Journal of Mining Institute. 1992. Vol. 135. p. 53-64.
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Некоторые особенности волновых полей в зоне сочленения юго-восточной части Балтийского щита и Русской плиты

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Зона сочленения юго-восточной часть Балтийского щита и Русской плиты охватывает территорию Южной Финляндии, Южной Карелии и Прибалтики. К настоящему времени здесь выполнен значительный объем глубинных сейсмических исследований на нескольких профилях северо-восточного направления  ...

How to cite: Suvorova N.I., Litvinenko V.I. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1992. Vol. 130. p. 57.