A method of determining the components of the plumb line deviation (ξ, η) by comparing the results of geometric levelling with exceedances determined using the equipment of space navigation systems consumers is proposed. The possibility of defining components of plumb line deviation is theoretically substantiated. On a specific practical example, the values of ξ, η are determined with an accuracy of about 0.5-1.0".
The main question of using GPS/GLONASS receivers for satellite orbit determitations are given. The "a priori'' calculations of satellite orbit accuracy are done. The investigation results may be applied in designing perspective cosmic geodetic apparatus.
The technique of definition of geodetic azimuth for mean and large distances with application of satellite navigational systems is offered and the analysis of efficiency of this technique in comparison with conventional ways is carried out.
Одним из основных препятствий к внедрению механизированных крепей при слабых вмещающих породах является отсутствие данных о взаимосвязи между величиной горного давления, воспринимаемого крепью, и площадью крепи. Определению сопротивления почвы на вдавливание в зависимости от диаметра и материала круглого штампа (металла или дерева) и посвящена настоящая статья ...