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I. V. Belinskii
I. V. Belinskii
Department of Explosion Geodynamics of the IGPh, NAS
Department of Explosion Geodynamics of the IGPh, NAS


Physics and fracture mechanics rocks
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Experimental study of the influence of rock fracture filler properties on their dynamic deformation

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Destruction of rocks at impulse loading depending on properties of material substance in a crack is investigated. The relationship between quasi-static deformations of granite blocks and material substance properties has been experimentally established. The developed technique allows to define quasi-static regularities of deformation of block media.

How to cite: Belinskii I.V., Grzhibovskii V.V., Lemeshko V.A. Experimental study of the influence of rock fracture filler properties on their dynamic deformation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. 171. p. 82-85.
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Formation and registration of solitons in granular media

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In the world around us there are many examples of environments composed of the same elements. These include biological structures, electrical circuits, and granular artificial materials. Similar structures composed of separate granules and blocks can be found in a rock formation. All these media have nonlinear properties and are extended. We are interested in the method of energy transfer through media of periodic structure.

How to cite: Belinskii I.V., Grzhibovskii V.V., Lemeshko V.A. Formation and registration of solitons in granular media // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 1 148. p. 66-69.
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Solitons and structured media diagnostics

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Real rocks are characterized by a diverse heterogeneity of structure, so the problem of determining the properties of such media is no less urgent than the problem of their fracture

How to cite: Belinskii I.V., Grzhibovskii V.V., Lemeshko V.A. Solitons and structured media diagnostics // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 1 148. p. 69-72.