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Sya Chzhan
Sya Chzhan
Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University
Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University


Geoeconomics and Management
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Principles of assessment and management approaches to innovation potential of coal industry enterprises

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This paper examines problems related to forming a complex of indicators to assess innovation potential of an industrial enterprise, on the example of coal industry enterprises, and an integral indicator of innovation potential, used for comparative analysis of the state of affairs in the industry. Analysis of different approaches to defining the term «innovation potential» for industrial enterprises has been carried out; resource-based, resultative, integrative and capacitive approaches have been highlighted, the latter one based on assessment of enterprise capacities. A conclusion has been made regarding advantages of integrative approach. Research has been made on the role of industry in the fuel and power sector of China and dynamics of industry and enterprise development in Shanxi province. Basing on suggested approach a system of assessment principles has been formulated, taking into account specific features of coal industry enterprises. Complex of indicators to assess innovation potential has been developed using expert evaluation method. An expertise procedure is proposed to assess competence of experts; results obtained from the expertise are presented. Proposed complex of indicators includes 23 parameters combined into three groups. Testing of proposed complex of indicators has been carried out on the example of coal industry in Shanxi province (China). Application of all stated principles has been proved in the process of indicator selection, assessment and formulation of recommendations for subsequent innovation potential management of coal industry enterprises. Proposed approach to forming a complex of indicators of innovation potential for industry enterprises permits to link together the logic of innovation potential definition, formation of the system of its principles, selection of the indicators complex for assessment and subsequent innovation potential management of the enterprise.

How to cite: Kozlov A.V., Teslya A.B., Chzhan S. Principles of assessment and management approaches to innovation potential of coal industry enterprises // Journal of Mining Institute. 2017. Vol. 223. p. 131. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2017.1.131
Geoeconomics and Management
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Theoretical and methodological bases of forming a program management system for integrated development of a region

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This article deals with theoretical and methodological bases of forming a program manage-ment system for integrated development of a region. The idea of a program-based management system based on a system of socio-economic transformation is presented. The given bases include monitoring emerging trends in the program management for integrated development of a region of the Russian Federation on basic parameters and involve control of the management process. The concept of forming the mechanism of program management as an integrated system is suggested.

How to cite: Fedoseev S.V., Chzhan S. Theoretical and methodological bases of forming a program management system for integrated development of a region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 215. p. 150.