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A. E. Kaminskii
A. E. Kaminskii
head of interpretation group
«Astra LTD»
head of interpretation group
«Astra LTD»


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Combined 2D inversion of electrotomographic and audio-magnetotellurgic sounding data to solve mining problems

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Electrical methods of exploration are widely applied in prospecting and estimation of ore mineral resources. It is not always that geoelectrical models obtained in the course of interpretation of different types of electric and electromagnetic sounding are in line with each other. This leads to difficulties in geological interpretation of electrical exploration results. In single cases a geological model can be built that with great precision satisfies data from different electrical explorations, for instance, results of geometric and inductive electromagnetic soundings. For this purpose an algorithm of combined inversion of electrotomographic and audio-megnetotellurgic sounding data has been developed and implemented by A.E.Kaminskii in software ZondRes2D. Advantage of combined inversion has been shown for investigation of sections up till 400-500 m deep on synthetic models and actual field data.

How to cite: Kulikov V.A., Kaminskii A.E., Yakovlev A.G. Combined 2D inversion of electrotomographic and audio-magnetotellurgic sounding data to solve mining problems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2017. Vol. 223. p. 9-19. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2017.1.9
Application of the modern geophysical technologies for prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits
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Experience of cross-hole electrical ip-tomography for detailed study of sulfide mineralization

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Cross-hole induced polarization tomography is а promoting area of electrical survey. The high resolution of this method allows detailed study of the distribution of electrical resistivity and chargeability in a hole-hole plane. In the paper we describe a used field technique, principles of  data acquisition and inversion. We present results of the cross-hole induced polarization tomography obtained on a site with sulphide mineralization (Kola Peninsula).

How to cite: Vorobeva A.V., Titov K.V., Kaminskii A.E., Marenko A.M. Experience of cross-hole electrical ip-tomography for detailed study of sulfide mineralization // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 194. p. 158.