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M. L. Kabanov
M. L. Kabanov
Postgraduate student
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
Postgraduate student
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute



Mining electromechanics
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Mathematical model of a flexible pipeline for lifting minerals from the seabed surface

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A mathematical model is presented describing the configuration of flexible pipeline routes for a hydraulic mining complex for lifting ferromanganese and other nodules, as well as polymetallic sands, silt and crushed crustal formations from the surface of the seabed. The pipeline connects the subsea mining machine with the slurry receiver on the base vessel. The proposed model is based on the chain-link equation and describes the configuration of flexible, articulated pipeline routes over a wide range of distances between the base vessel and the mining machine. For the first time possible variants of chain line defining marginal boundaries of flexible pipeline location with positive buoyancy are constructed by analytical solution according to coordinate values. On the basis of the obtained results the peculiarities of mechanics of behavior of positive buoyancy flexible pipeline under its own load have been determined.

How to cite: Makhovikov B.S., Kabanov M.L. Mathematical model of a flexible pipeline for lifting minerals from the seabed surface // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 152. p. 173-176.
Mining electromechanics
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Traceability of a flexible articulated pipeline in an aqueous environment

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One of the highest priorities in the mining industry is the extraction of polymetallic sands, silts and nodules from the seabed. Typically, sands and silts are fairly thick in rugged terrain with rocky outcrops, which is due to their overburden origin under the action of directed water currents. Development of such deposits can be carried out with the help of equipment complexes for underwater mining of minerals. The proposed complex will make it possible to extract minerals from depths inaccessible for the currently available mining equipment.

How to cite: Kabanov M.L. Traceability of a flexible articulated pipeline in an aqueous environment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 86-88.