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V. T. Trofimov
V. T. Trofimov
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Lomonosov Moscow State University


Modern state and prospects of engineering geology development
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Stages and prospects of development of engineering geology as a science

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The development of engineering geology as a science is considered in three stages: the emergence of a new geological science to solve the problems of geology of engineering and economic development of territories (1923-1945); the formation of three scientific branches of engineering geology - soil science, engineering geodynamics and regional engineering geology (1946-1978); engineering geology of the globe (since 1979). Further development of individual scientific branches of engineering geology is considered in connection with the new paradigm of geology as a science.

How to cite: Trofimov V.T. Stages and prospects of development of engineering geology as a science // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 153. p. 15-20.
State and tasks of training specialists in geoengineering and hydrogeology
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V.D. Lomtadze - creator of a series of fundamental textbooks on engineering and geological disciplines

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The content of textbooks and manuals on engineering and geological disciplines prepared by Prof. V.D. Lomtadze for more than forty years of scientific and pedagogical activity is analyzed. The series of published fundamental works includes seven fundamental ones: "Engineering Geology. Engineering Petrology" (1970, 1984), "Engineering Geology. Engineering Geodynamics" (1970), "Engineering Geology. Special Engineering Geology" (1978), "Engineering Geology of Mineral Deposits" (1986), "Laboratory Research Methods of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Sandy and Clayey Rocks" (1952, 1970, 1980), "Introduction to Engineering Geology" (1986), "Dictionary of Engineering Geology" (1999).

How to cite: Trofimov V.T. V.D. Lomtadze - creator of a series of fundamental textbooks on engineering and geological disciplines // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 153. p. 238-242.