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L. P. Parfenova
L. P. Parfenova
Ural State Mining and Geological Academy
Ural State Mining and Geological Academy


Development regularities of technogenic and geological processes and phenomena
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Problems of hydrogeological research for the purpose of creating a regime network at existing sludge storages of metallurgical enterprises in the Middle Urals

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Organization of groundwater monitoring in the areas of industrial effluent reservoirs is carried out in stages. At the first stage the collection and analysis of materials of preliminary observations, at the second stage a network of observation wells is created, at the last stage the program of regime observations is developed. The work was carried out at metallurgical enterprises of the Middle Urals. According to the results, generalizations were made, which showed a rather poor state of the groundwater pollution.

How to cite: Parfenova L.P., Kopenkina O.A. Problems of hydrogeological research for the purpose of creating a regime network at existing sludge storages of metallurgical enterprises in the Middle Urals // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 153. p. 93-95.
Development regularities of technogenic and geological processes and phenomena
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Environmental and geochemical impact of mining and metallurgical complexes in the Middle Urals

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Metalliferous streams formed under the influence of mining and metallurgical process create atmo-, litho- and hydrogeochemical anomalies within many cities of the Middle Urals. Studies include sampling and analytical work on the content of 12 metals in acid-soluble, mobile and water-soluble forms. The information obtained is proposed for use in assessing environmental pollution and compiling a land cadastre.

How to cite: Semyachkov A.I., Parfenova L.P., Fominykh A.A. Environmental and geochemical impact of mining and metallurgical complexes in the Middle Urals // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 153. p. 102-104.