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S. G. Dubeikovskii
S. G. Dubeikovskii
Ural State Mining and Geological Academy
Ural State Mining and Geological Academy


Development regularities of technogenic and geological processes and phenomena
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Carbonate karst in the East Urals region

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Within the East Urals region, a number of districts and areas have been identified according to the conditions of distribution of karsted carbonate rocks of the Lower and Middle Carboniferous. Technogenic activation of karst process along the railroad routes, in the areas of mining, in the areas of large water intakes is noted. The great urgency of studying karst territories during their development is emphasized.

How to cite: Afanasiadi E.I., Gryaznov O.N., Dubeikovskii S.G., Neshchetkin O.B. Carbonate karst in the East Urals region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 153. p. 46-50.
Development regularities of technogenic and geological processes and phenomena
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Features of karst processes by the example of the Urals

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Karst process is considered as a particular manifestation of hydrogenesis processes, characterized by high uneven intensity in different vertical hydrodynamic zones. Anti-karst protection measures have been developed, which are implemented in the territories of mining and transport highways.

How to cite: Gaev A.Y., Kilin Y.A., Dubeikovskii S.G., Semakin V.P. Features of karst processes by the example of the Urals // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 153. p. 56-57.
Modern problems of geotechnical and hydrogeological surveys
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Current state and peculiarities of the development of engineering geology in the Urals

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The work gives a review of the most significant studies in the field of engineering geology of the Urals. The great role of V. D. Lomtadze in the development of engineering geology in the Urals is noted. Stresses that the main importance for the formation of engineering geology in this region had and have mining, mining and metallurgical industries. In the article new approaches to the engineering-geological zoning of the Urals, proposed in 1995 by S. G. Dubaykovsky and O. N. Gryaznov are discussed. Analyzes the geological processes that determine the patterns of formation of engineering and geological conditions of the Urals. Topical directions in the Urals - engineering-geological justification of underground space development, studies of eluvial and technogenic soils.

How to cite: Dubeikovskii S.G., Semakin V.P. Current state and peculiarities of the development of engineering geology in the Urals // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 153. p. 149-152.