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Yu. A. Plyutov
Yu. A. Plyutov
State Academy of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold
State Academy of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold


Technological machinery and equipment of mining and oil & gas industries
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Numerical modeling of problems of design and operation of transport machines in mining works

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Problems of transport machine design and operation, which are most effectively solved within the framework of computational modeling with the use of finite element and statistical modeling methods, are systematized. The nature of the results and prospects of their use in decision-making on the optimization of design parameters and operating modes are considered.

How to cite: Doronin S.V., Plyutov Y.A. Numerical modeling of problems of design and operation of transport machines in mining works // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 157. p. 31-33.
Mining engineering technologies. Diagnostics and control of technical systems and their elements. New technologies
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Prospective directions in the field of transport machine reliability analysis

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Limitations of the mathematical theory of reliability as applied to mechanical elements of transport machines are considered. A new approach based on the use of defect statistics, results of stress state calculation, fracture mechanics apparatus and real data on transport machines loading processes is offered. Prerequisites for calculation of transport machines survivability as a further development of reliability concept are considered.

How to cite: Plyutov Y.A., Doronin S.V. Prospective directions in the field of transport machine reliability analysis // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 157. p. 197-200.
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Экспериментальные исследования тягового режима электромеханической трансмиссии карьерных автоссамосвалов

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Исследования проведены в условиях Ждановского рудника комбината „Печенганикель". Объект исследования - автосамосвал БелАЗ-549 грузоподъемностью 75 т с дизельным двигателем 8РАЧ-185 мощностью  882 кВт ...

How to cite: Kuleshov A.A., Plyutov Y.A. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1983. Vol. 97. p. 71.